What is global warming? | causes and effect of global warming

The term "global warming" has become common these days. Today, it is necessary for everyone to know what is global warming and its causes. We are doing a lot to improve our modern life, which in some way is related to “global warming”.

Today, the temperature of the Earth has increased so much that large glaciers are melting, the sea level is constantly rising, wildlife is trying to keep pace. It has become clear that humans have produced the highest amount of heat-producing gases in the last century, due to which the heat is increasing day by day. The level of greenhousegases is higher than at any time in the past 800,000 years.

What is global warming?

What can we do to reduce global warming? This is something everyone should know because it directly affects our lives. The earth is made up of coasts, seas, forests, fields, and snow-capped mountains. The balance between all these is being lost due to global warming. It is so important that even in school exams, we are often asked to write a global warming essay. In this article, we will know what is global warming, its definition, causes and effect, etc.

What is global warming?

Global warming is a term used to describe a problem that is spreading globally due to the constant rise in the temperature of the Earth. Every kind of animal on Earth needs a minimum temperature of 160 to survive. But after World War II, as a result of the Industrial Revolution, the temperature of the earth has increased considerably due to the gases emanating from various factories. And it continues to grow day by day.

We often understand the global warming meaning is result, but it is causing changes in the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, which vary from place to place. While many consider global warming and climate change to be synonymous. Climate change is a kind of global warming. Climate change includes not only rising temperatures but also extreme weather events, wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts.

The worldwide average temperature has increased by 0.75 ° C (1.4 ° F) over the last 100 years. The year 2016 is one of the hottest years in NASA's record of 134 years. Those denying climate change have argued that rising global temperatures have led to a "stagnation" or "slowdown", but several recent studies have rejected this claim, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science. And scientists say that unless we curb global-warming emissions, the average American temperature could rise to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by the next century.

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Simple definition of global warming

The increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface (both ground and water) as well as the atmosphere is called Global warming.

What is global warming for kids and student?

For kids and students of grades 6-8; the term global warming refers to a general increase in the Earth's average temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing changes in climate patterns worldwide.

Causes of global warming

Years ago, when the Earth's temperature increased, it was a result of natural causes, but today it is increasing due to various greenhouse gases generated due to human activities. Humans make their lives modern and better by using various modes of transportation, as well as many factories operating which emit huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases. This is one of the main causes of global warming.

In developed countries, fossil fuels are burned to generate electricity, which is the biggest source of heat-trapped pollution. Because of this, about 40 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced every year. Coal-burning power plants are by far the biggest polluters. Similarly, the second largest source of carbon pollution is the transport sector, which emits about 39 billion metric tons of CO2 in a year.

This air pollutant and greenhouse gases acts like a greenhouse in the Earth's atmosphere. Due to which the sunlight and solar radiation is absorbed which travels in the earth's atmosphere. Pollutants and greenhouse gases can remain in the atmosphere for centuries, heating the planet, causing global warming. We know this as the greenhouse effect.

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Effects of global warming

Every year, scientists keep doing new research about the consequences of global warming. And the new fact comes out of that discipline. Some of the main effects of global warming are as follows.

1. Temperature rise

It is estimated that if the input of greenhouse gases continues at the current rate, the average temperature of the Earth will increase between 1.5 and 5.5 ° C by 2050. Even the earth will be so hot for 10,000 years that life here will not be possible.

2. Increase in sea level

Today, with the increase in global temperature, large glaciers have started melting due to which sea level is increasing day by day. Current models indicate that the average global sea level will rise by 0.2–1.5 m over the next 50–100 years because of an increase in average atmospheric temperature of 3 ° C.

3. Effect on human health

Due to the new changes happening in the environment, new insects and viruses are being faced. Various diseases are increasing. This will cause huge damage to agriculture and fisheries in the future or will be on the verge of destruction.

4. Extinction of species

The disintegration of coral reefs and alpine meadows can cause many plant and animal species to go extinct.

Global warming control measures

  • It is very important to control global warming, because it is directly related to our lives. If it is not controlled in time, life on earth will end soon. Some of the measures to control global warming are as follows.
  • Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to save our planet from the dangers of global warming. Global warming can be attributed to the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is being said that trees can help prevent global warming by absorbing this harmful gas and reducing the greenhouse effect.
  • Common bulbs, completely add 300lbs of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year. Replacing these common bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) with energy savings can help reduce carbon dioxide.
  • Promoting the use of organic foods is one of the effective ways to prevent global warming. Estimates suggest that if we resort to organic farming for food production, we can get rid of 580 billion lbs of carbon dioxide.
  • Vehicles are one of the major causes of pollution; they give rise to a large amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If we stop using the vehicle then we can cut large amounts of pollution. Ideally, we should choose bicycles and public transport or other environmentally friendly ways.
  • For global warming solutions we should choose alternative energy sources like solar energy, nuclear energy and wind power. We can easily use these sources of nature to generate energy, and replace fossil fuels with it.

Conclusion: It is so important to control over global warming, because it directly affects our lives on earth. If it is not controlled in time; then life on earth will soon end

In the end

In this post, you have learned what is global warming, as well as causes of global warming, effect, control measures etc. Hope you all like this article. You are requested; please share this article so that it can reach as many people as possible. We look forward to your support so that I can write more new articles.

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